If you are struggling with candidates signing up for interviews and not showing up, try following the below steps:
Create a personalized, custom message for the interview request (in the Restaurant Profile section). Tell a candidate why they would want to work at your location. See instructions here.
Confirm that you are logging into foh&boh frequently to interact with candidates. If someone has applied to your position and doesn't hear from you for a week, they are more likely to accept another position elsewhere and not show up to your interview.
foh&boh sends reminders via text to the candidates before the interview, but you can also send them a personal chat to let them know how excited you are to meet them.
Review your hiring process and eliminate any steps that may cause friction. For example, requiring candidates to fill out forms/ review material ahead of the interview, or having multiple rounds of in person interviews.
Of course, feel free to reach out to us (via the chat button on the bottom right) if you want to chat through specific ideas).